2016 Oct 23 - Nov 9
The lidar was operated in off-zenith mode on all nights. The integration time for processed data is 60 s.
Data Download
Downloading the data constituent your agreement to the following:
Prior permission to access the data is not required. However, the user is required to establish early contact with Prof. Liu to discuss the intended usage. Data are subject to limitations which are not immediately evident to new users. Before they are formally submitted, draft copies of all reports and publications must be sent to Prof. Liu along with an offer of co-authorship to scientists who have provided data. This offer may be declined. The database and ERAU must be acknowledged in all reports and publications, and whenever this data is made available through another database. If you have any questions about appropriate use of these data and the specific wordings of the acknowledgement, contact Prof. Liu.
Click on the date to download the data for each night or download the entire data for this campaign from here.